FISH Food Bank Groundbreaking

We will be breaking ground for the long-planned-for FISH Food Bank, Monday, July 21st, at 4:30 pm. The FISH program was started by Gorge Ecumenical Ministries (GEM). The new building will be right here on the campus of Asbury Our Redeemer and will help to serve needy persons throughout Hood River County. Thank you to all those who donated their time, energy, and money to make this project a reality!

Future FISH Food Bank

Call for Peace from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (ELCA)

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton (ELCA)

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has called for all ELCA congregations to observe a minute of silence in prayer for peace in the Holy Land. Read her letter here. You can also learn more about the Israel-Palestine crisis in a new resource from the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society: Working for a Just and Lasting Peace in Israel and Palestine.