For the last several months, Pastor David, Debby Chenoweth, Donna Fitch, and Jean Sheppard have been working to draft a constitution for our congregation. We have consulting the governing documents of both the ELCA and the UMC, carefully reviewed our … Continue reading
Category Archives: News
Our congregation was featured in Rev. Lowell Greathouse’s Spirit Alive column this week. Check it out here. … Continue reading
Sunday 3 May 2015 The Fifth Sunday of Easter 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 I’ve never been much of a gardener. It’s a bit of a shame to my mother. In the house where I grew up the first twelve … Continue reading
Our faithful garden volunteers have raised thousands of pounds of fresh produce for the food bank in past years. As the FISH building moves steadily toward completion, interest in the gardens is growing. HRMS 8th graders in Michael Becker’s class … Continue reading
This Wednesday we begin the Animate Bible study. This isn’t about reading from Genesis to Revelation. This is about wrestling with how the bible was created, how it has been understood across history, and how it’s supposed to interact with … Continue reading
There will be an Installation Service for Pastor David King on Sunday, August 10th, at 2 pm in the sanctuary. Rev. Susan Kintner from the Oregon Synod (ELCA) and Rev. Steve Ross from the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference (UMC) will preside. … Continue reading
The Groundbreaking of the new FISH Food Bank building on our church grounds Monday was featured in an article in this weekend’s Hood River News. The article prominently features our own Erik Siekkinen and the Solar Pumpkin Project. … Continue reading
We will be breaking ground for the long-planned-for FISH Food Bank, Monday, July 21st, at 4:30 pm. The FISH program was started by Gorge Ecumenical Ministries (GEM). The new building will be right here on the campus of Asbury Our … Continue reading
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has called for all ELCA congregations to observe a minute of silence in prayer for peace in the Holy Land. Read her letter here. You can also learn more about the Israel-Palestine crisis in a new resource … Continue reading