Worship Service – 10:00 a.m.
The worship service carries forward our blended congregation’s traditions of worship. The historic pattern of gathering, word, meal and sending practiced by Christians for centuries and reaffirmed during the Reformation invites us to progress spiritually as we confess and affirm our faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. We begin with several very energetic and singable songs that prepare us for worship.
Aligned with the church seasons, appointed lessons guide the proclaiming of the gospel and the vital component of congregational singing reinforced by the choir. Music is chosen to amplify the week’s message with praise and thanksgiving and reflects the rich diversity of both our liturgical backgrounds, as well as blending traditional and contemporary music styles. It might be accompanied by organ, piano, and/or guitar. A bulletin outlines the basic substance of the worship service, and hymnals are available for those who want to see the music, but you can make it through the service just fine by following along on the screen. Enriched by our collective worship and our engagement with God’s Word, we are empowered to live out faith in world, sharing God’s transforming message of liberating grace, love of neighbor, and care for the God’s creation.