What to Expect

Worship Service – 10:00 a.m.

We gather for a weekly worship service on Sundays at 10:00 am. The service is led by Pastor Miranda, who is ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the service contains elements familiar to both the Lutheran (ELCA) tradition as well as the Methodist (UMC) tradition. Our worship style is considered “traditional” insofar as we sing hymns from our hymnals and use a sung liturgy for communion – however, the language we use in prayers and liturgy is more modern and contemporary, incorporating expansive language for God. Our worship environment is casual, and all are invited to come dressed in whatever makes them feel most themselves that day!

Below you’ll find a few things to help prepare you for joining us in worship!

  • When you arrive you will be greeted by an usher and given a worship bulletin. The worship bulletin contains the order of worship, letting you know what to expect in the service – everything else you need for service is projected on the screen.
  • Hymnals will be available underneath the chair in front of you:
    • ELW: red cover, white pages UMH: red cover, red pages TFWS: black cover
  • Our Bible Readings come from The Inclusive Bible, also known as the First Egalitarian Translation.
    • The Inclusive Bible is a fresh, dynamic translation into modern English, carefully crafted to let the power and poetry of the language shine forth. Seeking to be faithful to the original languages, Priests for Equality have sought new and non-sexist ways to express the same ancient truths.
  • We celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of the month.
    • Communion Sundays: All are welcome at the table, regardless of church membership, attendance, or particular beliefs. All who want to partake in the sacrament are always welcome and invited to do so. Our communion bread is gluten free, vegan, and allergy friendly – we have both wine and grape juice available as well. Those who want to participate without receiving communion are invited to come forward for a special blessing if they so choose.
    • Non-communion Sundays: You are welcome to fill out a Pastoral Care Card to request a personal communion visit from our pastor.
  • Rather than passing the offering plate, it is located in the back by the entrance doors. You can take your offering there at any time, or give online via Tithly. However, if you are visiting, know that there is no expectation of an offering – your presence among us is gift enough!
  • Our worship service is recorded and uploaded to Facebook by noon on Sundays. If you are concerned about being seen on a recording, ask an usher for help finding a seat out of camera view.