For the last several months, Pastor David, Debby Chenoweth, Donna Fitch, and Jean Sheppard have been working to draft a constitution for our congregation. We have consulting the governing documents of both the ELCA and the UMC, carefully reviewed our current provisional covenant, and conferred with denominational leaders, particularly Bishop Dave Brauer-Rieke of the Oregon Synod (ELCA) and Rev. Steve Ross of the Columbia District (UMC). After several drafts, we have a document that we’re proud of, and we’re ready to share it with you, the congregation, for your review. This version has already been reviewed and approved by Bp. Dave, Rev. Steve, and your Board of Directors. You can find the constitution here, or there are print copies available in the narthex, as you walk into the sanctuary.
Beginning in November, I will be visiting many of the small groups of the congregation to see if you have any questions or comments about this draft. I’m also scheduling two information sessions on Sunday, November 15th, at 8:00 am and 11:30 am, for anyone who would like to hear a summary of the constitution, ask questions, and make comments. In the Sundays between now and then, I’ll be sharing a few highlights during announcements at both worship services. Also, please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Your servant in Christ,
+Pastor David