In-Person Worship and Meetings Suspended

Dear Friends,

At the direction of Bishop Elaine Stanovsky (UMC) and Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar (ELCA), all in-person worship and in-person meetings are suspended through March 28 in the interest of public health. You can find more information here: . We will continue to follow the directions of government officials and our denominational leaders regarding how best to keep our communities safe.

Look for more information regarding online worship and other activities on the church Facebook page and the website:

The health prescription for COVID-19 is social distancing. However, social distancing has its own negative health consequences, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. While meeting face-to-face is impossible, it is all the more important that we find other ways to connect with one another. On Sunday, I’ll be introducing a new plan to keep us connected.

In the meantime, I encourage you to keep in touch with one another and with your friends and family through telephone calls and video chats. Commit to making at least four calls every day. We human beings need connection with one another. It is part of our ministry in this time to reach out telephonically to make those connections happen. It is an expression of the love of God. It is our calling as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Please know that I am always available to talk with you. Let us all pray for wisdom and safety in this time of pandemic.


Rev. Dr. David D. M. King
Spirit of Grace, ELCA UMC

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