
Good morning! Last week I didn’t send out Notes-N-New correctly and no one got the email. Sorry about that!

++Stream the Oregon-Idaho Conference Live! It begins at 2:30 today:

++This Saturday 19th is Oregon Synod of ELCA Day of Learning. 9am to 5:30pm via Zoom.  Visit, and under the Events tab you will find registration info and a schedule for the day. All are welcome!

++Weekly Reflection Philippians 1:25-26 What do these verses say about being part of a community of faith?

++ Zoom Worship Links:  This brings you to Spirit of Grace’s website, where you click on “Zoom”(in blue lettering) to access worship.

To access worship by phone (audio only) call one of the following numbers, 1-669-900-9128 (San Jose) 1-253-215-8782 (Tacoma) and then enter the “Meeting ID” of 815 4831 0619.

++Worship Order for Sunday Sept 20th – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Scripture Reader: Debby Chenoweth

Congregational Response: Tom Hart


Gathering Song  “In Christ There Is no East or West”

Greeting & Prayer of the Day

First Reading: Philippians 1:21-30                   

Psalm 145:1-8

Gospel: Matthew 20:1-16


Hymn of the Day “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy”

Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People & Lord’s Prayer


Pet Blessing


Sending Song “On Our Way Rejoicing”

Blessing & Dismissal

Fellowship Time

++Church Giving– Giving statements are being mailed out today. If you have any questions about yours, please contact me at the office.

++ 5th Sunday Giving- $450.00 was donated for ELCA World Hunger. Thank you!

++Thank you-  to Alan and Bette Lou Yenne for the work they’ve done around the church building. The flower beds have been weeded and the dirt piles that were around the side of the church are gone. It was an incredible amount of work and looks amazing!

++ Ruth Akiyama– has moved into her new room at Brookside Manor. Her room number is 105. Her phone# should be up and running today.

++Northwest Wildfires- Fueled by a heat wave and unfavorable winds, devastating wildfires are raging across California, Oregon, Washington and other western states. Deaths, evacuation orders, and millions of acres burned.

Donate through Spirit of Grace by making a check to our church with “Wildfires” on the memo line.

ELCA Link to donate: Your gifts will support wildfire survivors. Gifts to “U.S. wildfires” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.

UMC Link to donate: . When a disaster strikes, survivors lose so much. Often overlooked is the despair that strikes as some also lose hope. The mission of the Oregon-Idaho Conference Disaster Response team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster. The goal for this Advance Fund is to have in place the resources to respond to disasters when they happen.

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